Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Slight frustrations in the Czech

Well it has been one week since leaving Nebraska and living in the Czech Republic. A lot of frustrations have occurred in the short period of time while being here.
1. The people here are not very kind... They have no filter and honestly don't care about other's feelings.  Now this isn't just with Americans, but with people from the Czech as well.

2. Wifi and water are not as available here as they are in Nebraska.  Luckily I have wifi in the union on campus, but it isn't in common places around town.  This is hard because a lot of us students communicate using our phones in wifi.  The water situation is ridiculous because you have to pay for water in any place that you eat! Which leads me to my next point.

3. Money.  Everything costs something around here.  You must pay to use the bathroom in public places.  The "free" chips on the table are not free, they cost something.  A to-go box costs money.  Everything has a price.

4. The smoking around here is very common.  A lot of places such as pubs and restaurants allow smoking.  this wouldn't be as bad if our clothes didn't smell like this afterward.

5. Globus (their Walmart), is very overwhelming.  If you could imagine Walmart being about 4 times the size, then you have just envisioned this grocery store.  The size of the store isn't the frustrating part.  The frustrating part is that to use a cart you must pay for it (go figure) and things that should be together like chips and bread, are not!  The chips could be next to the deodorant that is next to the garden and supplies. 

Needless to say we have been all so frustrated with these things. Although, it is all part of the experience.  I know it seems as if I have been super negative, but a lot of positives have occurred.  I am starting to finally understand the Czech language a little bit and can some what pick up on a few words being said.  I am starting to understand the Tram station and my way around Olomouc.  I have also met some of the most interesting people in our group and from other countries that I wouldn't trade my time here for the world. 

These are some of the amazing girls in our group from Nebraska.  This picture was taken at one of the clubs in town meant for foreign exchange students during St. Patrick's day.  All of us girls including some that are not shown is this picture get along extremely well, which is a huge relief since we are so far away from home.  Some of the most enjoyable trips that I have had with these girls is hiking, seeing the inside of a cave, and enjoying the amazing views here in Olomouc.
These pictures that I have been posting absolutely do not give the views that we can see justice.  All I can say is everyone should come visit central Europe at some point in their lifetime.  Enjoy the struggles that I have stated above, the culture, food, people, history, and the sights.  I cannot wait to post more pictures and share more of my experiences.  Until then, enjoy your free water and readily available wifi. Laters! 

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